A home for paediatricians and a voice for the children of Queensland

Ticket Prices

Consultants or Fellows
1 or 2-day access to conference
Access to delegates page after the conference with presentation slides
Coffee and tea on arrival
Morning Tea, Lunch, and Afternoon Tea during the conference days
Invitation to Welcome/ Networking Event
Complementary conference giveaways
1-year membership to PSQ

Registrars or Trainees
1 or 2-day access to conference
Access to delegates page after the conference with presentation slides
Coffee and tea on arrival
Morning Tea, Lunch, and Afternoon Tea during the conference days
Invitation to Welcome/ Networking Event
Complementary conference giveaways
1-year membership to PSQ

Medical Students
1 or 2-day access to conference
Access to delegates page after the conference with presentation slides
Coffee and tea on arrival
Morning Tea, Lunch, and Afternoon Tea during the conference days
Invitation to Welcome/ Networking Event
Complementary conference giveaways
1-year membership to PSQ